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Plan Revolution

Revolution Omega + D

Regular price €49,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €49,00 EUR
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Fortalece las neuronas y otras funciones importantes.

Son ácidos grasos omega-3 es un tipo de grasa poliinsaturada.
Tu cuerpo no produce ácidos grasos omega-3 por sí solo.
Una buena opción es tomar un suplemento de omega3+D los tienes que obtener de la alimentación.
El pescado azul y aceite de linaza son las mejores fuentes de omega-3.

Ayuda a las células a metabolizar mejor los alimentos.



  • 60 píldoras de 1335mg

The dream of beauty

Gemma's Dream formulas are characterized by the innovation of concentrated natural effective active ingredients and other pharmacological ingredients with High Tech biotechnology.
efficacy studies.

Gemma's Dream , consists of a variety of cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals with history, they are the evolution of the Know How and experience of Gemma Prudencio, a cosmetologist pharmacist with 20 years of experience, with formulas awarded at the IDermo Awards in 2016-2017. Their work has been recognized in 2020, with two Awards, one in quality and innovation A TU SALUD and in the Pasteur Awards of the Economics Association
and European Competitiveness, in pharmacy research.