Restore Look
Restore Look
Restore Look
Restore Look
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.5/5

Restore Look

Softens the eye contour and expression lines

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Paula Verdú
Restore Look has helped me a lot to treat redness and dark circles.
Gemma Galvez
Incredible products and sensations when applying them. Nobody tells me how old I am. You really get what the firm promises. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dra. Natalia Ribé:
Excellent product to combine with medical aesthetic treatments.

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Rejuvenate your look 10 years in less than 28 days

Revitalizing the skin around the eyes is key to revitalizing yourself from the inside as well.
When you improve your appearance, your character, self-esteem, motivation and enthusiasm to continue the routine improve.
Change your mind and test un multitasking serum. Simplify your life.

Restore Look Serum

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Ideal as an adjuvant in medical-aesthetic treatments

Dermatologically Tested

Restore Look incorporates the X-50 drone in its formulation. It also has oxidized vitamin K to soften dark circles, caffeine to soften bags, ginger, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. The perfect base to hydrate and protect your skin.
Efficacy studies have shown that these components are powerful skin regenerators and that they help counteract premature aging and the effects caused by UV rays. In addition, they help stimulate proteins and collagen biosynthesis (type I), increase the softness, elasticity and firmness of the skin, and reduce wrinkles.
A serum for day and night

Steps to apply it

1️⃣Clean the skin first
2️⃣Shake before use
3️⃣Apply to clean skin, on the face and around the eyes, using light touches, as well as in the area with expression wrinkles with a gentle massage.
Con el Roller de jade y al Gua Sha se obtienen mejores resultados, así como siguiendo rutinas de Gimnasia Facial.

Suitable for all skin types

Regardless of your age, your skin type, your acne problems or any other factor, the Restore Look multitasking serum will transform your skin and your being from the first applications.

Our clients comment

I am Gemma's Dream addict, I have tried many products, I am dedicated to this and I can only speak of quality and efficiency, in addition to Gemma's passion and service that helps me a lot.

I did the treatment at home and it is very noticeable.
Gemma Mengual
Madrid, Spain.
I love personalizing treatments, people are delighted with the results. Efficient and effective cosmetics.
Ana Sánchez
Opium Beauty Center. Alicante
Well Aging 360º Treatment

Revitalize your skin and your look


Aloe Vera
Active with anti-inflammatory properties. It helps minimize certain skin pathologies such as, among others, inflammatory acne, erythema caused by the sun, psoriasis, pustules, but above all it is excellent for minimizing the consequences caused by these pathologies, thanks to its healing power. Due to its composition, Aloe Vera helps prepare the skin and serve as a vehicle for other active ingredients to act in a better way. Thanks to the fact that it has vitamins such as A, C and E, Aloe Vera acts as a great antioxidant. If used at a concentration between 90 and 100%, this ingredient can minimize the appearance of certain skin allergies. It is an excellent moisturizer.
Hyaluronic acid
Molecule that provides smoothness, elasticity, firmness, thickness and hydration to the skin.
Fractioned into different molecular weights so that one part penetrates the interior of the skin and the other remains superficially, providing a healthy and luminous appearance and thereby achieving a double effect: hydration in the deep and superficial skin .
The thickness/volume is achieved thanks to the fact that its molecules bind to the water that exists in the skin and creates volume.
Restructures the skin's fibroblasts, stimulating collagen formation and causing the skin to regenerate.
Excellent decongestant and circulation activator, preventing the appearance of dark circles and some physiological aging processes.
Jojoba Oil
El aceite de jojoba cuenta con numerosos beneficios para la piel. Entre los distintos beneficios se encuentran, sus grandes propiedades para humectar, nutrir y brindar elasticidad y suavidad a los tejidos de la piel, ayudando a prevenir y eliminar finas arrugas. Es un gran emoliente y reparador de la piel, principalmente de los daños ocasionados por el acné. Es un aceite seco, que no deja rastros pegajosos ni grasosos, al contrario, se extiende, se absorbe y se lubrica bastante bien en la piel, brindándole una sensación suave, flexible y aterciopelada.
Además, permite retener el agua en las capas de la piel mejorando su estado de hidratación. Se posiciona como uno de los principales sustancias lipídicas renovables de origen vegetal para los cosméticos. Es un producto natural con bastante estabilidad; resiste temperaturas muy altas y la oxidación, debido a su composición molecular y sus altos contenidos de antioxidantes.
El extracto de semillas de jojoba es la única sustancia de origen vegetal compuesta por ésteres líquidos cerosos de cadena larga. Estos ésteres se utilizan en el control no oclusivo de la humedad y en la fotoprotección de la piel y el cabello, gracias a que resiste la hidrólisis y oxidación. Además, se ha demostrado que son bastante parecidos a los ésteres que componen un 25-30% del sebo humano, por lo tanto el uso del aceite de jojoba en los cosméticos es bastante funcional y compatible con la piel humana. Cuando este aceite es aplicado sobre la piel, la capa que se crea no es grasa y es parcialmente porosa, por lo tanto permite controlar perfectamente la humedad y la respiración transepidérmica.
It prevents aging as it is rich in antioxidants and improves elasticity, making the skin look firm and young. In addition, it is a natural exfoliant, which helps reduce spots and blackheads on the skin.
X50 Myocept (Cosmetic Drone):
It is a “cosmetic drone” that is composed of a mixture of biocompatible polymers (Polyvinyl alcohol, Lactic acid and Glycolic acid), with Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-52 and Palmitoyl Hexapeptide-18.
Biotechnological Active, complete with encapsulated peptides, selectively directed at the neurons of the skin, attenuating expression lines.
According to an in vivo study in 20 volunteers, X50 Myocept reduced fine wrinkles and expression lines by up to 27%, with 20% being the average improvement, compared to two other formulas. different laboratories on the market.
Oxidized Vitamin K
La vitamina K oxidada activa la circulación sanguínea de forma natural, suaviza rojeces, hematomas e hiperpigmentación. Blanquea y reduce la coloración púrpura de la piel, es por ello que es bastante eficiente para disminuir las ojeras, rojeces, irritaciones, cuperosis y estrías. Contiene proteínas, glicoproteínas y polisacáridos.
Se ha demostrado a través de estudios in vitro que la vitamina K oxidada es un potente regenerador de la piel y que ayuda a contrarrestar el envejecimiento prematuro y los efectos ocasionados por los rayos UV. Además, ayuda a estimular proteínas y la biosíntesis de colágeno (tipo I), incrementa la suavidad, elasticidad y firmeza de la piel, y atenúa arrugas.

Approved and chosen by experts

Specialists in aesthetic medicine and professionals in the sector who trust Gems Beauty
Gemma is a renowned cosmetics professional who, with enthusiasm and knowledge, helps cosmetics constantly advance

Dr. Jorge Planas
Clínica Planas
I like Gemma's line of cosmetic products both for the active ingredients they combine and for their pleasant texture that adapts to your skin.
Dra. Natalia Ribé
Institut Dra. Natalia Ribé
Gemma Prudencio is a person who was born to create and develop products for the cosmetology field, as she brings together the necessary intuition to foresee what will be necessary in this field for the future.

Always based on experience and observation of its effectiveness for the best results.
Dr. Jose Luis Cisneros Vela
My Ritual with Boosters, Luminosity is having a lot of demand, and people are happy to follow the treatment at home. I am addicted to Gemmasdream and Oneceutic nutraceuticals.
Silvia Giralt
Center for Advanced Aesthetics. Igualada.

Restore Look Serum


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